Whistler St

After a childhood in the Western Australian surf, Vince Kelly, burning with a desire to save mankind, enters the Catholic priesthood. In contrast, his beach mate, Jamie Griffiths, lacking any direction, drifts into a disastrous job and marriage.

Following his unwitting involvement in Jamie’s mother’s death, Vince suffers an emotional and spiritual crisis, shattering all his former rock solid beliefs. In desperation, he quits both Perth and the priesthood. He crosses the desert to Sydney and settles in Manly, hoping to find new meaning and purpose.

As soon as he sees the quaint Federation house in Whistler St, he knows it’s an ideal refuge for his recovery. He transforms the house into a home, makes new friends and begins to rebuild his life but is plagued with indecision and guilt.

Back in Perth the despairing Jamie cries for help. Already guilt-ridden at abandoning his lifelong mate, Vince leaves Manly, painfully aware that on his return he must make some vital decisions about his own direction.


This is an interesting story which explores the very best and worst of human nature, warts and all. Emotions such as trust, forgiveness, redemption and despair are fully explored in this new Australian novel.
- John Morrow’s Pick of the Week

Braun is a deft writer … good storytelling … with a revelation at the end that strengthens the work. A good read.

- Wendy O’Hanlon, Acres Australia


Available free if purchased with Friend and Philosopher.


Whistler St Friend
No Way
to Behave
at a Funeral
The Day Was Made for Walking
I Guess I'll Just Keep on Walking Keep Pressing On, Brother No Comfort on a Chilly Night